Key events: Disbandment of the Zouaves in France. Four extremists were arrested for recruiting and fabricating 3D-printed pieces for guns in the United Kingdom. Sentences to […]
En las últimas semanas han circulado imágenes y vídeos de grupos militares ucranianos entrenando a civiles en el uso de armas como preparación para […]
PDF Version Database Key events: Five people were arrested for planning a terrorist attack in Finland. Anti-Covid protests in Germany. The co-founder of National […]
PDF Version Database Key Events: The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is praised by extremists. Atomwaffen Division claims it has restarted operation. Several hundred ammunition and weapons […]
Documento OIET 9/2021 On October 27th, 2018, a white supremacist terrorist attack took place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The event, known as the Tree of […]
PDF Version Key events: Violence burst into the Anti-vaccination demonstrations in Italy. Sentence to the shooter from the 2019 Poway terrorist attack. Extremist demonstrations for […]
English version Eventos clave Un individuo adherido a la ideología Incel asesina a cinco personas en Reino Unido. Sentenciado a prisión el líder de los […]
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